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Minimalist Home-buying

When you’re house hunting, it’s good to know your “living personality.” The home you choose should reflect the way you like to live rather than the latest trend in home design. If you are a minimalist at heart, you may be looking for something different from the average homebuyer.

What is a minimalist?

Minimalism isn’t about owning a very small house, although it can be for some, and it isn’t about getting rid of everything and eating and sleeping on the floor. What it is about is getting rid of (or not acquiring) the excesses that can clutter our lives and cause us to be discontent and overwhelmed. While some people tout “rules” for how much a minimalist can own or how big their home can be, true minimalism is a mindset about what makes us happy versus what just litters and disorders our lives.

Minimalist living is an aim to living with what you need, but not with what consumerism and advertisements tell you that you should want. It’s not about being frugal; it is about quality over quantity. It is about making choices.

What is minimalist architecture?

In the design world, minimalism is about simplifying and paring down the design elements. Minimalism is a design aesthetic that seeks to achieve simplicity. Using basic geometric forms, simple materials and natural light, minimalist architects design homes with clean, open lines, natural wood, stone, glass and other fundamental components.

Can you be a minimalist in a traditional home?

While you may be naturally drawn to minimalist architecture, most homes, particularly in neighborhoods or associations, do not fit into the minimalist design aesthetic. A traditional home may be the perfect option for your minimalist lifestyle. Simply adopt these concepts when decorating your new space:

Finding a minimalist home

If we know what you’re looking for, we can help you find the perfect home for your minimalist lifestyle. As real estate professionals, we know what is available in our area, and what you can do to make it fit the aesthetic you’re looking for.

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