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Could You Live in a Tiny House?

Do you fantasize about downsizing? Do you dream of having less to take care of so you have more time for yourself to do the things you enjoy?

You’re not alone. Minimalism is trending in our culture right now, from de-cluttering your life with the KonMari Method to cultivating a capsule wardrobe. By the looks of it, many of us are craving less, not more.

Minimalism as a housing concept

This trend to minimize the amount of stuff we own has spilled over into the very homes we live in, and is most apparent in the tiny house movement. While the average American home is approximately 2,600 square feet in size, the tiny house movement extolls the virtues of living in homes that are no larger than 400 square feet.

Why are tiny houses so popular?

There may be some of you out there who can’t fathom why anyone would want to live in such an extremely small space. But there are actually some great arguments for re-imagining your life on a smaller scale. These include:

Is a tiny house right for you?

Paring down your possessions and living in a much smaller space isn’t necessarily for everyone. If you’re thinking of taking the tiny house plunge, here are some things you should consider first:

If you’re considering living in a tiny home, take time to educate yourself about the lifestyle and prepare for all the potential issues that may arise. While tiny house living has been an incredibly positive experience for some, it may or may not be the perfect situation for you.

Compliments of Virtual Results

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